
Showing posts from January, 2018

A New Round of Brothers

A building at Affinity East, a housing complex for sororities and fraternities at Ohio Northern Univeristy. As this new semester gets started, all the students are getting used to their new professors, getting back into the routine of doing homework and trying to remember how to survive on their own. On top of all of this, Ohio Northern's fraternities are running their spring recruitment schedules. During this time, fraternities plan a handful of events that people can attend to meet with the people in that fraternity and possibly get a bid, or an invitation, to join that fraternity. Ohio Northern currently boasts five fully fledged fraternities. These fraternities are Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Pi and Theta Chi. One fraternity went out of there way the other day to tell me about their spring recruitment events and let me enter a raffle for $100. This fraternity is Sigma Pi. It looks to me like Sigma Pi is running very good public relations rig

4 Times This Week's Reading Made Me Go 'Huh"

Me while doing the reading multiple times this week. This week I had to read Chapters 7-10 in Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick's "The Art of Social Media" for my social media principles course at Ohio Northern University. I had to read Chapters 1-6 last week and I wrote a post about them, but never formally talked about the purpose of posts like these on my blog. As a part of this class I have to make three posts over the course of each week (measured Wednesday-Tuesday for the purpose of this class as we meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays), and one post every week has to deal with analyzing each week's required reading. When looking at the book, the chapter titles excellently provide a very short and concise summary as to what that chapter is about in the form of a "How to..." sentence. Because of this, I will list the chapter titles to provide a brief explanation of what the chapters are about. In order, the chapter titles are how to: socialize events, ru

"The Phantom of the Opera" Takes Over the Empire State Building

Empire State Building lit up for "The Phantom of the Opera" on 1/24/18 Andrew Lloyd Webber's behemoth of a musical, "The Phantom of the Opera," just celebrated its 30th consecutive year on Broadway at the Majestic Theatre on Friday, Jan. 26. Webber's masterpiece earned the title of the longest running show on Broadway 12 years ago, but now it's 12 years later now celebrating three decades of opulence. The production has played about 12,500 shows to over 18 million people in New York City (NYC) alone since the NYC debut. The show, which has grossed over $1.1 billion since its opening, centers around Christine Daaé, a ballet chorus girl for the Paris Opera House, who turns into a leading soprano after she is given the chance to sing when the resident diva falls ill. Current cast members (from left to right) Peter Jöback, Ali Ewoldt and Rodney Ingram pull the switch to light up the Empire State Building Everyone is shocked at how well Daaé can s

5 Habits of People Who Are Successful With Social Media

My favorite part about the first two reading assignments from Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick's "The Art of Social Media," was the list of 74 blog post templates that work. I thought this list was really clever and reminiscent of Buzzfeed articles that make people want to click on and read them. What better way to comment on the textbook than to utilize it and make a post summarizing the most efficient ways to be successful on social media. 1) Use Clever Blog Post Titles Kawasaki and Fitzpatrick provide an infographic in chapter three that gives templates to create eye-catching titles, such as, "A Complete Guide to ___, What No One Tells You About ___, [#] Tips for Busy ___,  [#] Habits of ___." I was able to use this last one for the title of this blog post, and I think it made it more exciting and interesting. The authors also write that posts with titles akin to the 74 listed are more effective at getting people to click on them because they are usually

Social Media Saves Woman's Crushed Face

While searching for news stories about social media, I happened to stumble across an article about a woman's face being saved with the help of social media. You may now be wondering how social media could have possibly saved a woman's face, and I was too when I first read the title of the aforementioned article. However, I read on and I hope you do too! Dr. Elizabeth Calton, a 38-year old pediatric doctor based in London, was horseback riding when all of a sudden she had to jump off her horse, Barney, after he was frightened by a noise. After Dr. Calton performed the emergency dismount, the startled horse accidentally crushed some of her ribs and face. After discovered by a passerby, she was taken to St. George's Hospital, a teaching hospital with an abundance of specialists. There she was treated by a total of nine surgeons over the course of 10 hours, with the help of 41 screws and 11 plates. Social media was involved with the treatment by the utilization of Dr. C

"Choreographer's Showcase" at Ohio Northern University

Ohio Northern University (ONU) recently began the rehearsal process for their spring semester dance revue entitled "Choreographers' Showcase." The show is directed by Laurie Bell, stage-managed by Michael Swain-Smith and underwritten by Liberty National Bank. Every year, ONU invites guest choreographers to the school in order to give students in the theatre arts department the chance to work with, learn from and network with active professionals from the real world. Nathan Andary, Matthew Roberts, DeMarcus Suggs and Alexandria Stilianos are the guest artists who will be working with students, along with faculty member Elizabeth Cozad. Andary will be choreographing a modern ballet piece. Roberts  choreographed a contemporary tap piece entitled "Life of the Party." Suggs  created a contemporary ballet piece called "Ascent on Detroit Avenue," based on the Tamir Rice tragedy.  Stilianos  created a hip-hop piece. Rounding off the professionally choreograph