"Choreographer's Showcase" at Ohio Northern University

Ohio Northern University (ONU) recently began the rehearsal process for their spring semester dance revue entitled "Choreographers' Showcase." The show is directed by Laurie Bell, stage-managed by Michael Swain-Smith and underwritten by Liberty National Bank. Every year, ONU invites guest choreographers to the school in order to give students in the theatre arts department the chance to work with, learn from and network with active professionals from the real world. Nathan Andary, Matthew Roberts, DeMarcus Suggs and Alexandria Stilianos are the guest artists who will be working with students, along with faculty member Elizabeth Cozad. Andary will be choreographing a modern ballet piece. Roberts choreographed a contemporary tap piece entitled "Life of the Party." Suggs created a contemporary ballet piece called "Ascent on Detroit Avenue," based on the Tamir Rice tragedy. Stilianos created a hip-hop piece. Rounding off the professionally choreographed pieces is Cozad with a classic jazz number.

The "Choreographers' Showcase" also gives the opportunity for student choreographers to showcase their creations. This year, the theatre arts department selected Hallie Heffernan, Katie Cooperrider and Bella Balzano as the student choreographers. Heffernan, a junior musical theatre major, will be developing a jazzy burlesque number called "Express." Cooperrider, a mechanical engineering major, created a swing piece for the showcase. Lastly, Balzano, another engineering major, created a ballet piece.

I am lucky enough to get to work on Cooperrider and Suggs' numbers. This is the first real dance show I have ever been a part of. It has been an incredible and strenuous journey so far. Between two dance classes, rehearsing every weeknight and waking up early on the weekends for longer dance rehearsals, I am a very tired and sore student. Being a part of this show has upsides too. Some of these upsides include getting to spend time with some great friends, becoming a better dancer and getting to work with actual professionals from the dance field.

The show runs Saturday, Feb. 3 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 4 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for students and children.


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