4 Great Tips From Kawasaki for Social Media

Often times people who grew up in the age of social media feel confident they know all there is to know about social media. I am not one who claims to know everything about every social media platform, but I tend to think that I have the ones I use regularly (i.e., Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) pretty much figured out. However, during this week's reading I was proven wrong by Guy Kawasaki. He really opened my eyes to five great, new tips for social media.

1) Finding and Using Popular Hashtags

When I was in middle school and just starting out on Instagram I had no idea what hashtags were or how to use them. Once I figured out that they helped more people see the pictures you share, I went a little overboard. I would post what I now realize were bad pictures of myself every day with a multitude of hashtags. I grew out of this phase towards the end of high school and stopped using hashtags altogether. Kawasaki reminded me that using a few good hashtags can really help promote your posts and "unlike other platforms, you can get away with adding more hashtags in a comment for visibility" (151). This is a practice I plan on implementing on my own Instagram the next time I have something worth posting about.

2) Instagram Is Not for You to Brag

Going off of the last sentence of the previous tip; if you do not have anything worth posting, do not post at all. It may sound a little harsh, but oversharing on any platform drives followers crazy. This is especially true if you are constantly posting the same kind of selfie or food picture over and over again. As Kawasaki says, "the correct subliminal message [for Instagram posts] is Share this moment with me, not Look at me, I'm so cool" (152). I have long found myself annoyed with people who overshared, but I never really knew why. Kawasaki put into words the frustrations I have felt for so long! Thanks Kawasaki!

3) Secret Pinterest Boards Are a Must

Pinterest is a great platform you can use to pin up ideas and save them for later. Using this in conjunction with the secret board option is incredibly useful when planning events that you don't want other people seeing. Secret boards also can be used as a campaign if the secret board is eventually released. There is an abundance of great information and ideas on Pinterest, and tips like these can help find order in the midst of what can sometimes be creative chaos.

4) Always Include a Call to Action (CTA)

This tip was included under tips for SlideShare, but it is one that can be utilized on any social media platform. In the case of social media, the most common call to action would be to follow, like or subscribe to your various accounts. This is useful because if someone sees something they like when skimming through your blog, and they see that you included an invitation to follow you on Twitter or Instagram, they are more likely to do so. This is a great way to gain more followers.


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