Blog Post Version of an Instagram Challenge

Millennials love online challenges. In my short 19 years on this planet I have seen people shove spoonfuls of cinnamon in their mouths, people trying to snort a condom and pull it out their mouth, and even eat a tide pod for attention on the internet. Those challenges were mostly done on YouTube, but Instagram has its own set of viral challenges. One that I saw the other day is pictured above. I thought it was a cool idea to see how far you've come in a year, and I like this challenge because it allows you to think back on the good times you've had while also appreciating where you are now. For this week's blog post I thought it would be a fun idea to do this challenge for my blog, but also talk about where I was/what was going on in my life based on the pictures. I will be finding all the photos in this post from my Google Photos account. If you haven't checked it out after my post about it I still highly recommend doing so!

One Year Ago:

One year ago I was at my twin brother's basketball banquet with my parents. My twin's name is Patrick John Brightbill. We were both born on October 6, 1998. We both played basketball in elementary and middle school, but we both stopped playing after we got to high school. I wanted to do cross country, and Patrick wanted to focus all his time on soccer so he could play soccer in college. By his senior year he had a scholarship for soccer at Malone University in Canton, Ohio. Patrick decided to try out for basketball his senior year so he could play with his friends. He ended up making the varsity team. My brother is my best friend and I was so proud to see him play basketball, and I am so proud of him playing collegiate soccer. At this time in my life, I was finishing up high school and waiting to hear back from all the schools I auditioned at for musical theatre. This was a stressful time in my life, but I'm so glad I took the time to go to events like these and make the most out of my high school experience.

Six Months Ago:

Six months ago I was just a couple weeks into my first semester at Ohio Northern University. I really had no idea what was going on and I didn't know a lot about other people in my program, so I decided to host an "American Horror Story: Coven" watch party in my room every week. This was my favorite season of the show yet. I was able to watch it with some amazing people too. Pictured below are three regulars to my viewing parties: Ryan Book, Connor Rock Brunken and Sierra Mack. Maggie Rucki, Devin Sugerik, Makenna Seely and Mya Ray were also regulars, but did not make it in the selfie.

Three Months Ago:

Three months ago was the last night of my first semester away at college! I spent it with my friends Christian Hill and Talia Heskett. We spent a lot of time studying for all of our finals, and we needed to spend the last night getting out of Ada and went to what we found to be the most entertaining attraction in Lima: Walmart. This particular night we all bought different Halo Top Ice Cream flavors and passed them around my car so we could all try the different flavors. This was a really good night.


Right now I am in my room and typing my blog post 30 minutes before it is due. Sometimes that is just how the cookie crumbles! I am staying positive though (as you can see in the picture below). I hope you enjoyed this fun little post about my life!


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