A Semester in Review According to My Instagram

For those of you who have yet read the bio on my blog, my Instagram username is @MJBrightbill. As we've talked about in class, Instagram is used to put your best foot forward and tell the story of your brand. This week I chose to review my Instagram posts from this semester and relate them to how they relate to the brand that is Matthew James Brightbill.

My first post from semester was a picture with my friends Christian Hill and Ryan Book. They are a part of MT21 (a nickname for the musical theatre class of 2021 here at Ohio Northern). This picture was taken on Snapchat by me, and I thought that I looked really cute with my friends so I decided to post it when I took it on Jan. 21. The picture was taken at a friend's birthday party. This tells the story of my brand because friends are a very important aspect in my life and I want to show myself as a sociable person. Also, I am with people from my niche major, so that helps tell the story of what I am passionate about. Another fun fact about this post is the caption was a combination of two famous memes: "Saturdays are for the boys," and "Nothing but respect for MY president." I like to think I am clever.

This post was made right after the "Choreographer's Showcase," closed at Ohio Northern University (ONU). I posted these pictures as soon as they were made available on Feb. 9. The photos were taken by the incomparable Trevor Jones. The first two pictures are of me swing dancing with Taryn Lester, a senior musical theatre student, in Katie Cooperrider's piece. The second two pictures feature Oshra Gadkar, William Lockhart, Connor Rock Brunken, Raymond Cronley, Holden Davenport, Alexis Dayton and others whose names I do not wish to butcher by attempting to spell, in DeMarcus Suggs, "Descent on Detroit Avenue." This adds to the story of the brand because it shows the beautiful, professional dance productions I get to experience here at ONU. These posts are my way of showing off my unique college experience and tell my story.

This post is with an amazing friend I've made at ONU, Laura Jacobs. We took these pictures after our Jazz I performance evaluation on Valentine's Day. I think this post shows off my brand because it shows me goofing around with a friend of mine, and goofy is a huge part of who I am. It also shows that I work hard at what I love and can pull together a themed outfit for something as small as a dance class. These are two qualities of myself that I am want to show off.

This picture is taken with one of my very favorite people, Zak Sperry. I posted this on April 3, after a month and a half hiatus from using social media. I didn't post anything for a while because I didn't feel like I had any content worth sharing. However, a nice sunny day with a wonderful person is something to celebrate, so I wanted to post this picture. This picture also shows off my twin brother's high school soccer jersey that I took since he didn't want it anymore. This picture shows me being happy and shows off my resourcefulness when selecting outfits. It doesn't really tell anything new about my brand, but I just wanted to post so people who haven't seen me in a while wouldn't think I dropped off the face of the planet.

This post was made on April 8, after the first show I music directed closed. I was blown away by all of the performances by those involved in Audacia Theatre Project's Jesus Christ Superstar. I was also shocked by all of the great work that the fearless, Bryanah Austin accomplished in her director/producer debut. Those joining me in the picture are Christian Hill and Talia Heskett, both of which were involved in the production. This post adds to my brand because it tells the story of the musician aspect of my life. It also shows off that I am capable of music directing a production, which is something I am super proud of.


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