Measuring What Matters With Katie Paine
In the first two chapters of her book, '"Measure What Matters," Katie Paine wastes no time in helping her readers understand what to measure and why when it comes to social media. I like the way she set up the first chapter in her book. Paine made beginning to learn about measurement less painful than I had imagined (I couldn't not make this pun). She starts off the book by explaining why social media matters so much in today's world. She points out how nowadays, "customers talk to and trust each other more than they do companies. They choose how they spend their time and money based on recommendations from people with similar tastes and profiles. They trust, and therefore prefer to do business with, companies that are open, honest, and authentic" (5). This little section reminded me of the principles we learned about at the beginning of my introduction to public relations course. Dr. Fleck really drilled in the concepts of openness, honestly, tra...